Stress is an emotional and feeling condition that is stimulat by pressure, fear, anxiety, which affects the physical, mental, emotional, and feeling states, causing inappropriate behaviors such as being easily irritat, being angry all the time, etc. When you start using your brain to analyze things around you more and more, causing stress, it means that you are starting to destroy the functioning of your nervous system and brain unexpectedly. Because that is the cause of abnormal functioning of various systems in the body, starting from the production or secretion of abnormal hormones, physical fatigue, the onset of pain in the back of the neck, irritable bowel syndrome, prolonged headaches, and being the main cause of stress, insomnia, and stress leading to stomach problems.

With the fear of stressful situations being as frightening as the current environment, UFABET recommend one thing that can help alleviate the stress from various situations is to find stress-relieving activities for yourself so that you can cope with stress and eliminate it, creating a happier way and better quality of life when there is no stress.
Ways to relieve stress in 5 minutes
Take a deep breath for a moment: When you’re stress, your breathing may become faster, which can raise your blood pressure and increase your heart rate. But as your breathing calms, your body also calms. Try sitting comfortably in a chair, relaxing, and placing one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your belly to rise. Exhale through your lips, allowing your abdominal muscles to contract.
Sip hot green tea: Green tea contains L-Theanine, which has relaxing properties. It is recommend that you take a deep breath before drinking it to help you feel refresh.
Take a bite of chocolate: Nutrients in chocolate have the ability to reduce cortisol. Which is one of the hormones that causes stress and anxiety. It also helps increase happy and calm hormones like endorphins and serotonin. The correct way to eat it is to chew slowly so that it slowly melts in your mouth and choose dark chocolate that has less sugar.
Go outside: An instant stress reliever can be achieve by engaging in outdoor activities. Getting out into nature can have positive effects on our mood and mental health. For some people, simply looking at pictures of trees can make them feel less stressed. This is because natural surroundings automatically capture attention while also stimulating feelings of satisfaction. Being immers in nature and enjoying outdoor activities can help you to ignore what is bothering you.
Meditate: Meditation can create a sense of calm. The advantage of meditation is that it helps you to distract yourself from the stressful thoughts in your head. In addition, meditation can help you to calm down and allow you to focus more on what is in front of you.
Massage your own hands: People who use computers a lot should take time to massage their hands often because. It helps to relax and reduces the chances of getting office syndrome.
Do some simple yoga poses: There is a yoga pose call Viparita Karani. Which involves raising your legs up to a vertical position and then bringing your legs and hips close to a wall for 5 minutes. This stretches your muscles and makes you feel calmer.
Gossip with friends: If you are alone, try to ring someone you feel comfortable talking to. Chat about nonsense and general trivial matters for a while, then relax and get back to work. But be careful not to get so caught up in chatting that you spend hours!