Dengue fever and influenza are epidemics that can occur throughout the year. Especially in this changing weather, it is easy to get sick. But many people are confused about what exactly they are sick with because the symptoms are similar and must be differentiated. Today, will talk about the differences between influenza and dengue fever.

Influenza ufabet is a disease caus by a viral infection in the respiratory system. This disease is transmitt from person to person through contact with droplets from coughing or sneezing of an infected person. The influenza viruses that predominate over other viruses every rainy season are the H1N1 and H3N2 viruses, which are serotype A. People infected with this strain will have more severe symptoms than people with influenza caused by the Victoria and Yamagata viruses, which are serotype B.
Influenza symptoms
- In adults, the fever will be high, around 38 degrees Celsius, but in children, the fever may be high, 39-40 degrees Celsius, and the fever may continue for 3-5 days, along with chills.
- A cough may be caus by bronchitis, or some people may have a severe cough, chest tightness, and a sore throat, or pharyngitis.
- Feeling body aches and fatigue
- Have a stuffy nose and a runny nose
- Nausea and vomiting may occur more frequently in children than in adults.
Dengue fever is another disease that is very prevalent during the rainy season and people die from this disease every year. The cause of the disease is from the bite of the Aedes mosquito that is a carrier of the Dengue virus. And this type of virus has 4 strains: DEN1, DEN2, DEN3, DEN4. If anyone has had dengue fever from DEN1, after recovering from the disease, they will have immunity to this strain of virus for life. For other strains, immunity will last only about 6-12 months. And if anyone has dengue fever for the second time and has more severe symptoms than the first time, that is because it is cause by a different strain of virus.
Symptoms of dengue fever
- High fever of more than 38.5 degrees Celsius for approximately 2-7 days, after which the fever may decrease rapidly.
- Some people experience a slight cough.
- Have symptoms of constipation or loose stools and noticeable symptoms are blood in the stool or dark black stools.
- Fragile and easily broken blood vessels, with small bleeding spots scattered on the arms, legs, torso, and armpits, as well as black nosebleeds or bleeding gums.
- There is severe muscle pain, pain in the eye socket, and pain under the right rib cage in particular. When pressed, it feels painful. This is caus by an enlarg liver.
Each year, there are tens of thousands of people infect with influenza and dengue fever. In addition to surveillance, observing the symptoms of the disease is also a part that helps provide timely care and treatment. It can significantly reduce the severity of the disease. Although many symptoms of influenza and dengue fever are very similar, we can easily check the differences between these two diseases. Let’s see how they differ.
- Dengue fever will have a high fever for 2-7 days and then decrease quickly. Influenza will have a high fever for many days and chills.
- Dengue fever does not cause respiratory symptoms, if any, it is only minor. However, influenza causes sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, coughing, and sneezing.
- Influenza does not cause pain on the right ribcage like dengue fever.
- Dengue fever causes blood spots or blood spots on the body, but influenza does not have these symptoms.